Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Wine and the Thinking Hat (Or Six of them?)

All opinions are valid, but not all opinions are correct, particularly if they’re based on incomplete thought.

Lately, this is what I’ve been thinking about as our national media de-camps into political ideology which itself mirrors our politics.  We’re in a period of time in which demagoguery has dangerously replaced the usual rhetoric.

It defies my comprehension how our political landscape has devolved to the point where winners and losers are assigned based on who gave what in the national debt negotiations.  The net result is nobody wins and everybody loses, especially tax-paying Americans who have to suffer the fools that are our elected officials.  Even more egregious, I fear we’re inured to this finger-pointing blame game as a new reality.

A respite for most people, the wine world isn’t immune to bickering partisanship.  Consider:  Critics.  Points scoring.  Parker. Biodynamics. Corporate wine. New World vs. Old World. Technology. Oaked Chardonnay. The three-tier system…


The wine world is no better than the national political conversation when it comes to taking sides and discarding rationale thought.  On wine issues, opinion acts as an article of faith, facts be damned.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Recently, this site was named the most influential wine blog out of 3,000 drinks-related blogs. In spite of this, I don’t carry a burden of responsibility to use that supposed influence in any particular way.  However, if I could do one thing in creating influence (of the outwardly positive sort) it would be this: Urge all wine enthusiasts engaged in wine conversation online or offline to be empathetic and look at a situation and an opinion (that may be counter to your own) from 360 degrees.  Doing so doesn’t always lead to answers, but it does lead to pragmatic enlightenment.

And, we need more enlightened people (to say nothing of pragmatism).  Somewhere along the road of “social” associating itself with “media,” people, regular people, have subsumed the bad habits of traditional media and our elected officials and forgotten the most fundamental rules of the human condition:  “Treat others as you would have them treat you” and “Before judging a man, walk a mile in his shoes.”

Even worse, for all of the benefit that interactivity and social media has wrought for “conversation” and “dialogue” and the exchange of ideas, a whole lot of nothing has ever reached concurrence.


Can it be that social media might be good for citizen uprisings with attendant violence, but poor for aligned progress?  Does ease of communication inspire our more savage instincts? God, the early returns aren’t great.  Yet, what’s the point of the exchange of ideas and information if it’s not to come to a place of mutual understanding?

Instead, too often it seems, we’re all stuck in the mud and Exhibit A would be the recent online wine points score debate that is the same debate that has been going on in the same material fashion for the last decade.  Yawn.  Wake me when somebody comes up with something better.  Then, there’s a real conversation to be had.

While my own naïve idealism isn’t enough to create a ripple in the pond, there are frameworks of change that can be adopted, even if incrementally.

I recently began exploring a paradigm for critical thinking called the “Six Thinking Hats” created by Edward de Bono.

Six Thinking Hats is as simple as it is beautiful and it offsets the fact that as we’ve perverted the Socratic method of thinking by combining its opposing viewpoint debate with feelings and emotions, losing dimensional thinking that leads to logical conclusions.

The Six Thinking Hats seeks to provide a holistic method of analyzing a situation or a problem.  Where our current thought process is typically duotone, the Six Thinking Hats is a full color picture.


Think of a recent meeting at work. You were discussing a topic of some importance or consequence in outcome.  Chances are good it was a mud puddle of confusion amongst varying viewpoints that went in circles for an hour before you adjourned with a weak-kneed action item.  Or worse, interpersonal dynamics had the outcome yielding to the dominant ego in the room.

It’s hardly a recipe for success.  And, it’s repeated millions of times daily in the exchange of information on a subject.

Yet, the Six Thinking Hats is not about who is right or who is wrong, it’s about the way forward.  Instead of rewarding ego, the Six Thinking Hats rewards profundity of well-rounded thought – it requires an individual to look at all sides of an issue, moving away from habitual thinking styles that can run narrow and linear.

Represented by the metaphor of six differently colored hats, each hat represents a different aspect of thinking that can (and should) be used in the exchange of ideas to come to an essential truth.  In a group setting, a group would each symbolically assume the role of one hat color at a time to examine an issue to agreement.

The hats are:

White hat:  Facts and information.  With this hat, the focus is on what is known and what is available to be known.

Red hat:  Emotion, judgments, intuition.  Gut reactions.  With this hat, the focus is on instincts.

Black hat: Caution, faults, problems, issues.  This hat focuses on why something might not work.

Yellow hat:  Optimism, positivity, benefits and constructive.  This hat focuses on the value and benefit of a decision.

Green hat:  Creative, out-of-the-box and crazy alternatives.  This hat focuses on innovative ideas.

Blue hat: Guiding, facilitating and managing the process.  This hat acts as a calibrator for thinking about thinking.

As you can see, most people tend to skew towards one or two hats, but not all of the hats in totality.  However, what a difference a conversation might be if a group of people were committed to looking at a subject with all six hats.

Perhaps Biodynamics wouldn’t be considered voodoo to a percentage of the population.  Parker wouldn’t be a bogeyman.  Corporate wine wouldn’t be a scourge… A level of common ground could be found in conversation amongst differing viewpoints…

I don’t presume that everybody is going to download the PDF linked below and really absorb the notion of the Six Thinking Hats, particularly in the realm of wine issues, but in the future I will be creating a thinking hat outline for topical issues that seem to be particularly rancorous in the online wine discussion – if for no other reason than to save us from ourselves on the next go around of debate about the 100-point system.

As a final thought, it should be noted that Six Hats Thinking is taught to pre-school and kindergarten students as a thinking tool-set for their pliable minds.  Perhaps the kindergartener in all of us that plinks on the keyboard should pay heed to what four and five year olds can comprehend. 

Six Thinking Hats download


Mondavi Pine Ridge Phelps Pastiche Ritchie Creek Rochioli

Field Notes from a Wine Life ? Trend Edition

Odds and ends from a life lived through the prism of the wine glass…

The Devil’s Cut

I’m a sucker for the clever and unconventional, I admit it.  One such bit of cleverness isn’t even wine-related, though it is oak barrel related.

Most wine enthusiasts are familiar with the, “Angel’s Share.”  It’s a term that denotes the wine (or spirits) that is lost from a barrel due to evaporation during the aging process.  Now comes the, “Devil’s Cut” from Jim Beam.

Using a proprietary process that extracts the bourbon moisture that’s left in the staves of the barrel after being emptied, this extract is then blended with regular Jim Bream to create a deeper, more characterful sipper.

I’d hate to think what a wine might taste like if the, “Devil’s Cut” was blended in from a wine-aged oak barrel, but a thumb’s up to Jim Beam for thinking outside the box.  The wine world could use more esoteric and idiosyncratic ideas similar to what the Scholium Project is doing, turning wine on its head.  Can a day be too far away when white Pinot Noir and orange wines aren’t outliers?

Speaking of Idiosyncratic

Last year I wrote a story on Proof Wine Collective and their out-of-the-box wine label design work.  An edgy company of twenty-something’s in San Luis Obispo, they’re set to eschew a services-oriented business helping market other people’s wine projects and start their own wine thing.

Anti-wine by the guys at Proof sets the table for what’s to come with an Anti-wine Manifesto that says in part, “I can hear the death rattle of our industry when salespeople peddle wines made and re-made in the same style, over and over.  I hear it when they glorify classism, pretending that customers own a cellar to age wines for decades, when in truth we buy a bottle to drink tonight…My goal with this project is to be free from the affectations of an industry I can no longer respect.  These wines follow no formulae (Ed. Note:  Nice use of the plural of formula!). They are blended between vintages in order to take the best traits of each.  I regard red and white varietals as equals, and intermix them with no interest in what is “sellable.”

I like idea, for sure.  However, initial reverberations indicate that they’re going to have to do some traditional-type activity in the wine business to get solid footing.  Sales at retail.  Wine events.

If a nascent wine brand truly wants to be free from the affectations of the industry and do so without being shticky then it has to be prepared to swim completely against the current. 

I’m rooting for Anti-wine, but I’d also like to see a completely new playbook written for the wine business, not a statement of intent while coloring inside the lines.


I’ve read a couple of recent articles that indicate that watches are set to become a trend (here and here).  This struck me as odd because I hadn’t received the memo that watches were out of style.  I started to think about accessories for wine enthusiasts that are decidedly out of style and I came to the tastevin.


Traditionally used by Sommeliers, but long out of favor, the only reason I know it’s not a mythical unicorn, is because a Somm. at my honeymoon resort some years ago was wearing one and checking the quality of the bottles he was serving by taking a quick sniff and slurp.

Now inspired, I’m starting a one-man wine trend.  If you see me at a wine tasting in the future it’s probable that I’ll be using a tastevin instead of the insipid glassware that’s usually provided.

Feel free to adopt usage of a tastevin for yourself.  The key to not feeling douchey is to either be incredibly confident or so hip that others don’t even know its hip.  Either will work for this emerging trend that you and I are starting.  Buy one at


Loring Lyeth Markham Meeker Mondavi

Cabernet as Coppertone

Researchers at the University of Barcelona have proclaimed that the official beach drink is not a margarita or a pina colada but rather: wine. Okay, they didn’t really put it that way. But they did find that wine flavanoids, found in red wine, can protect skin cells from UV rays and nasty sunburn. Even though [...]


Arrowood Beckmen Benziger Beringer, KV Buehler

View the majestic confluence of the sea and the ocean from Las Ventanas al Para�so

The extraordinary holiday resort which can fulfil the highest expectations of its guests in a totally different atmosphere in Los Cobos rests the paradise of Las Ventanas al Para�so. The desert beach resort is located at the end of Baja Peninsula, where the Pacific Ocean embraces the Sea of Cortez. The great hotel is decorated [...]


Lyeth Markham Meeker Mondavi Pine Ridge

Mas Des Dames, Rose, Coteaux Du Languedoc 2009

Outside here in Minnesota it’s in the mid 20′s Fahrenheit with a thick snowpack. It is far from springtime here but a bit of spring can be had here inside a bottle of dry ros�. Every spring and summer I resolve to drink more ros� but for one reason or another rarely do. So I [...]

Mas Des Dames, Rose, Coteaux Du Languedoc 2009 originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Roussanne Marsanne Albariño Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon

Academy of Wine Communications-FLX: February Meeting this Thursday, 2/25/10

Update: February meeting canceled due to winter storm warning for the region.� We’re working on setting up our next meeting for Thursday, 3/18/10.� Watch here for more details. February’s meeting of the Finger Lakes Chapter of the Academy of Wine Communications will be held on Thursday, February 25, 2010 at Three Brothers Wineries & Estates [...]


Gamay Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto

Hotel32 - Top 8 Reasons Why I Loved It

I was going to try and come up with 32 reasons you should stay at Hotel32.
I am sure there are those many reasons and more, but I will give you my Top 8 (it is a factorial of 32).
1. Joel and JoseHaving your very own concierge service is beyond. All the assistants were so personable
and [...]


Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc Riesling Chenin Blanc Pinot Grigio

Academy of Wine Communications:Twitter Basics Immersion for Wineries

Our next meeting of the Academy of Wine Communications here in the Finger Lakes will be followed by an interactive Twitter Basics Immersion for Wineries for AWC members.� The meeting and seminar will be held at Ravines Wine Cellars on Keuka Lake thanks to their offer to host us and let us utilize their wireless [...]


Malbec Red Wine White Wine Champagne Sparkling White Wine

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Academy of Wine Communications:Twitter Basics Immersion for Wineries

Our next meeting of the Academy of Wine Communications here in the Finger Lakes will be followed by an interactive Twitter Basics Immersion for Wineries for AWC members.� The meeting and seminar will be held at Ravines Wine Cellars on Keuka Lake thanks to their offer to host us and let us utilize their wireless [...]


Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard Kenwood Laetitia


Santa Barbara Shafer Shafer Firebreak Sinskey Smith Madrone

A Day in Rutherford?s Dust

Interestingly, when the wines were unveiled we learned that the first flight of wines were all from the eastside of the Rutherford AVA and presented from south to the north. The second flight represented wines made from vineyards on the westside from north to south.
Continue reading


Viognier Roussanne Marsanne Albariño Pinot Blanc

This week's recipes from the L.A. Times Test Kitchen


Fisher Foxen Girard Groth Keenan Cab

Dirty Little Secret Exposed in Sonoma Wine Country

The California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control has finally brought to light the dirty little secret behind underage drinking in Sonoma Valley: SONOMA VALLEY MINORS ARE USING THE HIGH-END WINERY TASTING ROOMS TO GET THEIR DRINK ON. A recent decoy...


Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc Riesling

2007 Sauternes & Barsac

Here you find the ratings of the 2007 Sauternes and Barsac wines from Robert Parker, Decanter and Wine Spectator:

Sauternes & Barsac
Wine Advocate

Chateau d’Yquem
***** 19
96 - 98
97 - 100

Chateau Guiraud
**** 17,5
92 - 94
91 - 94

Chateau La Tour Blanche
**** 18
86 - 88
90 - 93

Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey
**** 18
91 - 93
91 - 94

Chateau de Rayne-Vigneau
***** 19
91 - 93
92 - 95

Chateau [...]


Shafer Shafer Firebreak Sinskey Smith Madrone Tablas Creek

Temporary Shutter : f?nuts Sells Out of Faux Donuts In Record Time


Albariño Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir

JC Penny has been a Bad Boy

Every so often you see a story which makes you scratch your head. For me, working on SEO for my own site, this was certainly one of those cases. JC Penny Slapped by Google So let me get this straight, one of the largest retailers in the United States is saying that they were in [...]


Field Stone Firestone Fisher Foxen Girard

Monday, 29 August 2011

Summer Hill Country Photos

  About a year ago I started a Facebook group with the same name as my Blog.  I posted a few photos from our summer vacation down in the beautiful Texas Hill Country.  I will be posting more here soon and on my Flickr photo page.  If your on Facebook would love to have you […]


Stags\\\' Leap Santa Barbara Shafer Shafer Firebreak Sinskey


Mondavi Pine Ridge Phelps Pastiche Ritchie Creek Rochioli

Reflections on Tablas Creek's 2011 Best Winery Blog award


Firestone Fisher Foxen Girard Groth

EaterWire : Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill's New Management, Lunch at Lukshon, MORE!


Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel Grenache Sangiovese

A ?Zinful? Experience

Last Saturday I was lucky to be able to attend the Zinfandel Festival at Fort Mason in San Francisco. ZAP, The Association of Zinfandel Advocates & Producers celebrates Zinfandel America?s Heritage Grape and is dedicated to preserving the history of Zinfandel through the Heritage Vineyard at UC Davis. It is the largest single varietal tasting [...]


Albariño Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Social Media Quick Tip: Tag Your Favorite Wine Brands on Facebook

This is old news for some, but if you haven’t explored the status tagging feature (similar to photo tagging) on Facebook, take a few minutes and check it out. Status tagging can help your winery’s Facebook fan page to become more engaging and vibrant.� Facebook users can type the “@” symbol before a Facebook fan [...]


Caymus Ch. St. Jean Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno

Four Luscious Red Wines to Buy Now at Trader Joe's

Brief programming note: The Wellesley Wine Press hit 600 subscribers today. Thanks so much! If you're not one of them and you're interested in receiving notifications of new blog posts on the WWP click here to subscribe.

It's happened to me twice in the past couple months. I open a $20-$30 bottle of wine and it's either flawed -or- just not to my liking for one reason or another. After the first glass I set the bottle aside and crack open a $5-$10 bottle of wine from Trader Joe's and I enjoy it so much more than the original bottle. Good, clean and delicious. Luscious. Affordable. Sometimes they absolutely hit the spot and I wonder why I waste energy tracking down highly rated and almost always more expensive wines.

Don't get me wrong -  I do find wines worth the effort. The 2008 Paul Hobbs Russian River Valley Pinot Noir, the 2008 Rhys Alesia Pinot Noir, and the 2007 Felsina Fontalloro are a few recent examples.

But we all need affordable daily drinkers in the rotation, right? And Trader Joe's can step in brilliantly in this department - especially at the ultra-challenging sub-$10 price point.

Still, you have to be careful at Trader Joe's. Sure, the bad wines won't cost you much - but who wants to buy really bad wine and toss it out? Even if it's only $3.99? Recent dumper-outers include the L'Authentique (l'awful!) and Blue Fin Petite Sirah (a sobering offering).

There are indeed gems to be found, but it always helps to have a sherpa guiding the way. I enjoy comparing notes with Jason over at Jason's Wine Blog and tracking down buzzworthy wines he's discovered. Many of these were tips I received from his blog.

All of these were purchased at the Trader Joe's in Framingham, MA in the last few months.

2009 Sebastopol Hills Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir

My bottle lists the ABV at 13.8%.

It's only 20-30% opaque which bodes well for it behaving like a Pinot Noir. On the nose I get ample fruit, herbal tea, and a tangy (signature?) California Pinot Noir note.

On the palate it's classic domestic Pinot Noir with strawberry flavors, silky smooth texture, and hardly any tannic bite. Doesn't get overly fruity but it's satisfyingly flavorful.

Bottom line: This is legit Pinot Noir for $9.99. The only thing lacking is acidity and perhaps some minerality. But it scores points for what it *doesn't* have: I didn't detect any off-putting aromas or flavors.

Well done and a value at $9.99.  

87/100 WWP: Very Good

2009 Chariot Gypsy

First Bottle:
My first taste of the Gypsy and I can see what the buzz is about.

Light-medium bodied with a fruity nose immediately upon opening. Fresh and lively. While it's certainly slighty sweet on the palate I think the baked cranberry notes reign it in nicely. A little spice. No finish really but as a $5 party wine I think it plays well.

Pretty darn good wine for $4.99.

Second Bottle:
Satisfying once again. Notes consistent with prior bottle.

Especially after opening a corked bottle and seeking a clean, tasty bottle of wine - this one hit the spot. 

85-86/100 WWP: Very Good

2009 Cocobon

Light and juicy, with slightly sweet streaks of mocha. Very approachable and friendly. Probably works better as a cocktail or right after dinner than paired with food. Nice value.  

85/100 WWP: Very Good

2007 Lost Sonnet Meritage

This one caught me a little off guard because it's unlike the Chariot Gypsy and unlike the Cocobon. It's a far more serious wine and needs time to open up. I don't think I've ever seen a Vinturi make such a noticeable difference in a wine and it's better the second day than the first.

That said, I can't enthusiastically get behind it 100% due to some quirky off aromas that were present both upon opening and after some time. Give it a try but don't back up the truck. 

85/100 WWP: Very Good

Further Reading:
Question of the Day: What bargains have you found at your local Trader Joe's lately?


Shafer Shafer Firebreak Sinskey Smith Madrone Tablas Creek

Reflections on Tablas Creek's 2011 Best Winery Blog award


Zinfandel Grenache Sangiovese Gamay Nebbiolo

Why Do Wine Blogs Need To Make Money?

The�Connoisseurs’ Guide to California Wine has long been a resource for consumers looking to find great wines from my native state. Founded in 1974, the publication was among the first I purchased when I first got into wine almost 30 years ago. My old green CGCW guidebook has long since been replaced by other wine [...]

Why Do Wine Blogs Need To Make Money? originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Andrew Murray Arrowood Beckmen Benziger Beringer, KV

Reflections on Tablas Creek's 2011 Best Winery Blog award


Andrew Murray Arrowood Beckmen Benziger Beringer, KV

Saturday, 27 August 2011

WBW 71: Rhones Not From The Rh�ne

When Wine Blogging Wednesday founder Lenn Thompson asked me to host this months’ tasting I was both honored and nervous. What theme would spark new participants to join the monthly virtual tasting? How could I come up with something original after 70 tastings? But after sharing three ideas on Twitter direct messages, we were set [...]

WBW 71: Rhones Not From The Rh�ne originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Benziger Beringer, KV Buehler David Bruce Buena Vista

2007 Pomerol

In this post you'll find an overview of the ratings of the 2007 Medoc 2. Grand Cru Class�. We have gathered all ratings from Robert Parker, Decanter and Wine Spectator.


Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz

Just Who Reads This Wine Blog?

Just who the heck are you, why are you reading this blog and what's with you and wine??? That's the short description of what I'm looking to discover about the readers of this wine blog. The last time I asked...


Muscat Viognier Roussanne Marsanne Albariño

How To Find Values On A Restaurant Wine List

One of the most stressful moments for a lot of business travelers is not when the client has an objection or asks a difficult question but when they are handed a restaurant wine list. Depending on where you are dining this can be a selection of a few dozen to several hundred choices or even [...]

How To Find Values On A Restaurant Wine List originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Kenwood Laetitia Lagier Meredith La Jota Loring

This week's recipes from the L.A. Times Test Kitchen


Ch. St. Jean Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno Far Niente

Healthiest Texas Red wine from Good Taste with Tanji


Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno Far Niente Field Stone

Friday, 26 August 2011


Tablas Creek Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc


Cain Cuvee Castoro Caymus Ch. St. Jean Ch. Souverain

How to Effectively Engage International Participants in Tech and Wine Events?

What happens when you step out of your own “filter bubble” and participate in open discussions? We all need our assumptions and outlooks challenged on a regular basis to encourage ideas to develop and for the events to meet the actual needs of our audience, not just what we think they are. Gabriella decided to [...]


Far Niente Field Stone Firestone Fisher Foxen

Some Recent Michigan Wines with the Friday Night Regulars

Last week, I decided that it was high time to try some Michigan wines with the Friday night tasting group at the retail outlet in which I am gainfully employed. The bulk of the selections were from the 2 Lads Winery on the Old Mission Peninsula. Cornel Olivier and Chris Baldyga have established an impressive [...]


Tablas Creek Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc

Thursday, 25 August 2011

DEALFEED: La Cachette Bistro


Fisher Foxen Girard Groth Keenan Cab

ExpansionWire: Picca Team To Open Mo-Chica on 7 Downtown This Fall


Stag\\\'s Leap Stags\\\' Leap Santa Barbara Shafer Shafer Firebreak

Where in the wine world are we? Foggy valley edition

Have you ever though that the higher elevation a vineyard, the cooler it is? I have. But vineyards don’t always abide by the same principles as climbing Mt. Everest. In fact, higher vineyards can be warmer in some areas because they are above the fog line. I stumbled on this picture recently that dramatically illustrates [...]


Champagne Sparkling White Wine Rose Alex. Vall. Vyds Andrew Murray

How To Pronounce Willamette

One of the dangers of being a wine podcaster is you have to say wine terms and regions out loud. It’s hard enough to keep everything spelled correctly and often over the years I’ve made some embarrassing mistakes on the podcast. But the one that is probably most distressing for me was my butchering of [...]

How To Pronounce Willamette originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto Malbec

Welcome to the Future

I won’t have a chance to get everyone an update on wider life for a few more days at the least (things are busy both professionally and personally, well definitely personally) but I was sad to see that social media darling Gary V has chosen to close Cork’d. Cork’d To Close It’s Doors It’s an [...]


Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto Malbec

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

How To Decode Sherry Bottling Codes

Today is Wine Blogging Wednesday 70 and I’ve chosen Sherry in keeping with the theme of Spanish wines we have never had before. Sherry has a lot of issues gaining mindshare with the American consumer but one of the most basic is turnover of stock since some Sherries ?�Fino and Manzanilla in particular ?�are best [...]

How To Decode Sherry Bottling Codes originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Muscat Viognier Roussanne Marsanne Albariño

Winemaking and the XX Chromosome

Do women winemakers bring anything to the act of making wine that ellude male winemakers? This is the question that struck me as I looked at a fascinating new website highlighted in an article at Wines & Vines Magazine. The...


Castoro Caymus Ch. St. Jean Ch. Souverain Dehlinger

Coming Attractions : The Paramount Set To Open in Boyle Heights This Winter


Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto Malbec

An update on the ASUS Transformer in action

I’ve had the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer for a little longer now, and it was time for an update on what I’ve been enjoying as I have had lots of conversations in the wine business with people who have been interested in its potential. I also see that Simon Woods is doing the same. Overall, [...]


Sangiovese Gamay Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo

Would you like a Gold or Silver with that Red or White?

Guest blogger�and wine judge �Stacie Hunt offers some insight into being a judge at the Los Angeles International Wine & Spirits Competition.�Stacie is a�commentator on wine for National Public Radio, a Certified Sommelier (AIS), an international wine judge, educator, journalist and blogger. Everyone has his or her own idea of spring.� In the city, the [...]


Shafer Shafer Firebreak Sinskey Smith Madrone Tablas Creek

Crushing at CrossRoads in Frisco, Tx

The grapes are moving in and the crushing has began at CrossRoads in Frisco, Tx.  Grapes are looking good and promising for the 2011 year.  Hot Texas weather has made the grapes push for a early harvest and from the looks of it in North Texas looking promising. I had the opportunity to for just […]


Kenwood Laetitia Lagier Meredith La Jota Loring

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The new blog name and logo


Markham Meeker Mondavi Pine Ridge Phelps Pastiche


Rose Alex. Vall. Vyds Andrew Murray Arrowood Beckmen

Bordeaux in a can, robots, BDX10, winery stores ? sipped and spit

SIPPED: keepin’ it klassy Forget screwcap or cork: a company has just been authorized to put Bordeaux in a can. That should solve their marketing problems to young people since it will now be easier to shotgun! SIPPED: robots again Robots, last seen in our 2006 threat-down, are again meancing the sommelier class with their [...]


Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel

Walter Manzke to open R�publique in downtown Arts District


Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno Far Niente Field Stone

Moving day is Thursday


Gewürztraminer Muscat Viognier Roussanne Marsanne

Petite Sirah Celebrates 50 Years As A Varietal

I have been on this planet for a shade longer than a half century since my birthday this past November. But there is a wine variety that I think is underrated that has also just turned the big 5-0 as a varietal, Petite Sirah. I even included this grape in a rough draft of my [...]

Petite Sirah Celebrates 50 Years As A Varietal originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Ch. St. Jean Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno Far Niente

Monday, 22 August 2011

Tasting Group: Chilean Carmenere

Since we live in Washington State and often drink wines from Washington State, we want to make sure that we continue to hone our knowledge of the entire world of wine and maintain well-rounded palates in order to make us even more objective when we evaluate wines from Washington State. Therefore, we are thoroughly enjoying [...]

Tasting Group: Chilean Carmenere was originally posted on Wine Peeps. Wine Peeps - Your link to great QPR wines from Washington State and beyond.


Albariño Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir


Lagier Meredith La Jota Loring Lyeth Markham

Look for the comfort at Divan Antalya hiding in between Toros mountains and Gulf of Antalya

Nestled on the dramatic cliff of Antalya Bay, the beach resort, Divan Antalya secures its position between the Gulf of Antalya and the rocky Toros Mountains. Set on the beach in the heart of the business centre, the resort is ideal for the both business and pleasure. The high position of the hotel on the [...]


Viognier Roussanne Marsanne Albariño Pinot Blanc

?Which are the best Napa Valley Wineries to Visit?

We frequently get emails from visitors to our Website, WineCountryGetaways, asking for advice. The most common email goes something like this: ?We will be in San Francisco in September and want to spend two days in the Napa Valley. Can you please tell us which are the best wineries to visit??
Continue reading


Foxen Girard Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard

EaterWire : Kreation Juicery Update, Farmshop Dinner News, Free Tacos at Pink Taco


Foxen Girard Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Plywood Report : Plato Azul Will Open With Santa Monica's New Shore Hotel


Field Stone Firestone Fisher Foxen Girard

DEALFEED: Osteria La Buca


Girard Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard Kenwood

Merry Christmas

I wanted to take a quick moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I hope you’re all able to spend time with family and friends as I have during these past couple of days.


Malbec Red Wine White Wine Champagne Sparkling White Wine

First Impressions of Virginia Wine ? Wine Bloggers Conference

It was also fun to hear several references to the Napa Valley. Once again as in Washington bloggers conference a year ago everyone is shooting to topple the king. I don?t see any Virginia wines available where I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Much of it is consumed in Virginia and much makes its way to Canada and the U.K. Ther is much more to learn about Virginia wines as the wine bloggers conference rolls along.
Continue reading


Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel Grenache Sangiovese

DEALFEED: Osteria La Buca


Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel Grenache Sangiovese

Look for the comfort at Divan Antalya hiding in between Toros mountains and Gulf of Antalya

Nestled on the dramatic cliff of Antalya Bay, the beach resort, Divan Antalya secures its position between the Gulf of Antalya and the rocky Toros Mountains. Set on the beach in the heart of the business centre, the resort is ideal for the both business and pleasure. The high position of the hotel on the [...]


Sauvignon Blanc Riesling Chenin Blanc Pinot Grigio Sémillon

I Like Your Wine Blog, But....

In crafting the FERMENTATION Reader Survey, I gave those taking the survey the chance to say and write in anything respondents wanted to about this Blog. Many readers had something to say. I thought it only fair that I take...


Ch. Souverain Dehlinger Eno Far Niente Field Stone

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Adolfo Suaya's Osaka is ready for its close-up


Sangiovese Gamay Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo

Time to Sniff, Swirl, Spit

Two weeks from today, nearly 100 international wine judges will converge on Fairplex to sniff, swirl and spit their way through more than 3,000 wines – all in attempt to�crown the best of the best. �The Los Angeles International Wine & Spirits Competition begins May 27. Right now, wine staff are busy preparing the thousands [...]


Smith Madrone Tablas Creek Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay

Coming Attractions : 35 Steaks + Martinis To Replace Rare 120 in The Hard Rock


Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel Grenache Sangiovese

Bordeaux in a can, robots, BDX10, winery stores ? sipped and spit

SIPPED: keepin’ it klassy Forget screwcap or cork: a company has just been authorized to put Bordeaux in a can. That should solve their marketing problems to young people since it will now be easier to shotgun! SIPPED: robots again Robots, last seen in our 2006 threat-down, are again meancing the sommelier class with their [...]


Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto Malbec

SWAT For Wine Disasters

Most of the time wine lovers take corkscrews for granted. We regularly take them out and open bottles without incident. But there are times when special weapons and tactics are needed to prevent wine disasters. Such an event occurred here this evening when I was opening a double magnum. Large format bottles are always a [...]

SWAT For Wine Disasters originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Rochioli Rosenblum St. Clement Staglin Stag\\\'s Leap

Food Network Suing Ex-Producer: The Food Network is suing a...


Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc Riesling

Friday, 19 August 2011

LA's Manliest Restaurants: Men's Health is asking readers to...


Malbec Red Wine White Wine Champagne Sparkling White Wine

Cretan style is best experienced at Knossos Royal Village

The sumptuous Knossos Royal Village, brightened with the Minoan colors is blessed by the bright sunshine and the sparkling waves of the surrounding azure sea. The fortress-like luxurious hotel at Limenas Hersonissou on the northern coastline of the beautiful island, Crete is the ideal holiday destination where guests are welcomed by nature?s embrace and are [...]


Dehlinger Eno Far Niente Field Stone Firestone

Do-Follow Ends

Over the past couple of months I’ve enjoyed the birth of my son and the advancement of my business, Uncorked Ventures. Since we started an official company blog I haven’t written here and frankly, I haven’t really decided on what to do with this blog. When I logged in today, I found another 857 comments [...]


Rochioli Rosenblum St. Clement Staglin Stag\\\'s Leap

BFlay on Entourage: Eater National shares a clip from...


Smith Madrone Tablas Creek Talley Whitehall Lane Chardonnay

Reminder: WBW 71 Is This Week!

It seems like is was just a few days ago that I announced the next edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday but it has been nearly 3 weeks. So just a friendly reminder that WBW 71, “Rhones Not From The Rh�ne,” is in just two days. And it’s easy to participate; just pick up a wine [...]

Reminder: WBW 71 Is This Week! originally appeared on Winecast. Licensed under Creative Commons.


Girard Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard Kenwood

Wine and Providing a Glaring Glimpse of the Obvious

The UK's Daily Telegraph reports on a study that delivers the astounding conclusion that folks often drink to relieve stress. This revelation might be best filed in the "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" category. Conducted by "DrinkAware", a UK-based...


Merlot Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel Grenache

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Mind Blowing Reveals : Here's A Sneak Peek Inside Bouchon Bakery, Opening Tom


St. Clement Staglin Stag\\\'s Leap Stags\\\' Leap Santa Barbara

Alan Kerr?s Vintage?s May 14 Release ? Tasting Notes

2009 seems to have been very favourable in France as most regions are reporting stellar wines across the board. Once again it is Bordeaux?s best ever vintage, while wines in Burgundy are being heralded as excellent. The 2009 harvest in the Southern Rh�ne was early and offers much promise in the quality of the wines [...]


Nebbiolo Barbera Tempranillo Dolcetto Malbec

Silver Oak Winery in the Napa Valley ? For Cabernet Sauvignon Fans

I loved listening to the offbeat and jovial winemaker, Daniel Barons, who tells it like it is with a no-holds-barred approach to winemaking. He has been making wine for 41 years so he says he has seen it all. Continue reading


Foxen Girard Groth Keenan Cab Keenan Chard

To valet or not to valet


Albariño Pinot Blanc Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir

Deal Alert: 2008 Alesia Pinot Noir

Sorry if this one is gone before you read this, but Last Bottle has the 2008 Rhys Alesia Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir for $39/btl with free shipping on 4 bottles.

Here are my thoughts on this wine from last month. I think it's a beautiful wine. I can't seem to keep enough high quality California Pinot Noir on hand and this one falls firmly within that category. It's interesting to see a wine of this caliber on a flash sale site but it bodes well for Last Bottle. I like the wines they're sourcing so far.

If you're subscribed to the WWP via E-mail and want more timely updates might I suggest you follow me on Twitter (@RobertDwyer) or Like the WWP on Facebook? Gotta keep in touch on the deals you know?


Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Pinot Noir Syrah or Shiraz Zinfandel