Sunday, 26 April 2015

A List of Wineries that Ship to Massachusetts

Map of Massachusetts
It has been a long time coming, but as you may have noticed some out of state wineries are now able to ship to Massachusetts!

Some spring release mailers have included a special shout out saying they'll be able to ship here. What it really means for me is cheaper shipping and fewer hassles.

I'm looking forward to being able to order directly from my favorite producers in a recurring manner to develop a persistent relationship with them. Sometimes when I was on the fence about reordering from a pricey producer I'd decide against it because of shipping costs and the hassle of shipping to a neighboring state.

I'm also entertaining joining some moderately priced winery clubs that I hadn't considered before. And possibly taking advantage of specials wineries offer from time to time. Wineries don't like to compete with retailers who carry their wine on price but you'll sometimes catch deals on their mailing list that will now make more sense than they used to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can out of state *retailers* ship to Massachusetts now?
A: Not legally. The provision passed in 2014 only allows out of state *wineries* to apply for a permit.

Q: A winery I know ships to Massachusetts isn't listed. Why would that be?
A: In the past, some wineries may have found creative ways to ship to Massachusetts. They should now go through the process of getting a permit because it's the right thing to do and will likely lead to lower shipping costs for them and you.

Q: If I know a winery was recently approved but isn't listed what should I do?
A: Leave a comment below if you have official communication from them. They were probably approved after this list was compiled.

Q: I'd like to encourage a winery to obtain a permit, what should I do?
A: Contact them and tell them you'd buy from them if they get a permit. The permits aren't cheap, wineries need one for each state they ship to, and small wineries need to know they have enough demand for it to make sense.

Q: I thought FedEx and UPS weren't going to be able to deliver in MA because each truck needs a permit. What happened with that?
FedEx flattened that issue.

Q: What does it take for a winery to get a permit?
A: Massachusetts is now similar to many other states that allow winery direct shipment. Here's a post from ShipCompliant on what's needed.

Q: Where did you get this list?
From the Massachusetts ABCC. I took their list of approved entities and manually mapped it to winery websites. In some cases there was ambiguity (is Oakville Hill Cellars really Dalla Valle?). In others a single corporate entity has a bunch of permits (Diageo, Jackson, etc). But hopefully the format presented here is user friendly. Let me know if you spot any mistakes.

Here is a list of wineries approved to ship to Massachusetts as of January 30th, 2015:
* - Confirmed by winery
** - Said to have applied, permit pending

Still Does Not Ship to Massachusetts (but I wish they would!):
Unknown Entities:
  • A W Direct
  • BWSC
  • C And C Wine Services
  • GBF Enterprises
  • Gene M. Kosinksi
  • Icolebe
  • J. Cellars Investments
  • Jack John Investments
  • Kangaru Enterprises
  • Modern Development Company
  • New Vavin
  • Nuage
  • Mathew Reid and Martha Webb
  • TSG
My thanks to the Massachusetts ABCC for sharing this list, to ShipCompliant for sharing useful updates on this process, and to Free The Grapes and other organizations for their part in making direct shipment to Massachusetts.

If you've received official communication from a winery that they've been approved for direct shipment to Massachusetts and they're not on this list feel free to leave a comment below and I'll add them to the list.

If you're a winery and you've recently been approved leave a comment or drop me an email and I'll add you to the list.

I'll reach out to the ABCC again in the next couple months for an update.
Hope this is helpful!


    Benziger Beringer, KV Buehler David Bruce Buena Vista

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